Launch of the International Network for Digital Regulation Cooperation (INDRC)

22 June 2023

The DRCF was delighted to host the inaugural meeting of the International Network for Digital Regulation Cooperation (INDRC) today to help build valuable international relationships with regulators seeking to increase domestic cooperation in their respective jurisdictions.

The INDRC’s objectives are to foster discussion between regulators on matters of coherence across digital regimes, and to gather insights into how overseas jurisdictions are approaching domestic regulatory coherence and cooperation.

Colleagues from the Australian Digital Platform Regulators Forum (DPRF), the Netherlands’ Digital Regulation Cooperation Platform (SDT) and the Irish Digital Regulators Group (DRG) joined the DRCF for a two-hour hybrid breakfast session at the CMA in London. The discussion included a presentation by the Netherlands’ SDT on their work on online transparency.

This new network will promote greater coherence in digital regulation both domestically and internationally. Meetings will take place twice a year and we will look to grow the network over time.

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