Call for input – DRCF Workplan 2025/26

1 October 2024

To inform our plan of work for 2025/26, the DRCF wants to hear your views on areas of cross-regulator collaboration we should prioritise.   


Through coordinated digital regulation between DRCF member regulators, we aim to protect and empower people online, support regulator effectiveness and unlock digital innovation and economic growth. DRCF members are currently cooperating across a range of areas, including AI and foundation models, harmful design, online advertising, online safety, digital identity and other emerging technologies. Our AI and Digital Hub is a free advisory service for innovators on cross-regulatory queries. 


To help shape future DRCF work, we want to hear where you are encountering intersections between regulatory regimes or confronting uncertainty around their potential interplay, whether linked to our existing areas of work or otherwise 


We invite people and organisations who have an interest in digital regulation and/or technologies to respond to our Call for Input. Please email your responses to by 11.59 pm on 8 November.


We will consider all input as we prepare to publish our 2025/26 Workplan. We may be in touch to clarify your response or seek more detail. We may incorporate responses into the Workplan, anonymising these or otherwise ensuring that they cannot be attributed to individual respondents. Please indicate if you would like your response, or part of it, to remain confidential. Please note that in contacting the DRCF, emails will be shared with all four member regulators. 


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